Eternal Flame of Divine Love!

Joel Maria
May 20, 2024


Of Heaven’s grace, His light my soul ignites,
With love so vast, no bounds can it confine.
In darkened nights, His truth my heart incites,
To seek the path where endless mercies shine.

A shepherd kind, He guides with gentle hand,
Each step I take, His love my firmest ground.
In storms and trials, His strength helps me stand,
In Jesus’ arms, eternal peace is found.

His sacrifice, a gift of boundless worth,
The nails, the cross, redemption’s sacred key.
Through Him, I’m freed, reborn in spirit’s birth,
A life renewed, His servant I shall be.

Oh, Christ, my Lord, my love forever true,
In every breath, my soul belongs to You.



Joel Maria

A mysterious and elusive figure shrouded in anonymity and secrecy.