Echoes of Estrangement

Joel Maria
Apr 18, 2024

A Sonnet of Longing

Amidst the revelry, I stand alone,
In shadows cast by laughter’s merry gleam.
My heart, a captive in a world unknown,
Longs for the echoes of a different dream.

Surrounded by his friends, I feel estranged,
Their laughter like a distant melody.
While they, in mirth and jest, are all arranged,
I yearn for moments of true harmony.

For in this world of smoke and swirling drink,
I search for solace in a foreign land.
But deep within, a silent voice does think
Of games and plays and love’s sweet, tender hand.

Yet I am silent, fear has held its sway,
Afraid to voice the dreams I long to say.



Joel Maria

A mysterious and elusive figure shrouded in anonymity and secrecy.